Christian, Please Put Your Mask Back On

We could all be doing one small thing to make public worship more accessible. Why, then, have we let it slide?

Amy Colleen
7 min readMar 11, 2023
Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

As the first frightened days of the pandemic fade in memory, COVID-19 fatigue has pushed physical precautions from our collective consciousness. Where Christians ought to be leading the quest for better public health measures to protect us all — as we mark the third anniversary of a virus not yet eradicated — our efforts have too frequently backslidden into convenient apathy.

Fellow believers, I’m begging you to put a mask back on when you come to church.

Why should you listen to me? I’m nobody.

I’m just an ordinary person — a person with asthma, for whom Long COVID could be detrimental, carrying an unborn baby — asking you to do this small thing for me and my children. For those Jesus called “the least of these.” (Matthew 25:40)

Christianity, after all, centers around caring for the nobodies, the insignificant, the ones forgotten and trampled on by the rest of the world.

But as we navigate another winter marked by the slog of a Sisyphean disease, many of us who were once incredibly cautious and conscientious are speaking of a “post-pandemic” world in present tense, as…



Amy Colleen

I read a lot of books & sometimes I’m funny. I aspire to be a novelist, practice at humor & human interest writing, and am very fond of the Oxford comma.