Member-only story
My Attention Span is a Mess, and Here’s What I’m Doing About It
Is it my fault? Possibly not. Can I fix it? Uh… maybe.
Is “mom brain” a real thing?
Opinions on the Internet vary (isn’t that true of all things? Like vaccines? Gas prices? Books turned into films? Cannibalism?) but many agree that there is a verifiable lag in mental operating power once you have a child or two. (If you’re female, that is. “Dad brain” isn’t something often joked about in the workplace; funny how that works.) Forgot your purse at the grocery store? Mom brain! Can’t remember what chapter you finished reading last night? Mom brain! Can’t stay focused on a TV show longer than 30 minutes? Mom brain!
People more literate and learned than I have studied this phenomenon. The results and conclusions are mixed. You can read more below if you’re really interested.