My Thirty-Day Writing Challenge That Will Inevitably Lead to Fame, Fortune, and Free Doughnuts

I’m going to publish an article every day for a month, and you can hold me to that.

Amy Colleen
5 min readMar 23, 2021

“If you’re going to succeed on Medium, you have to write consistently and produce good content on a regular basis.”

If you’ve been writing on Medium for any length of time, you’ve probably heard this advice at least once. If you’re like me and just can’t resist clicking on those articles that tell you how you can succeed at writing for the Internet without really trying, you’ve probably heard it about a million times, give or take.

I’ve been writing on this platform for nearly a year now. My first article went live on April 15, 2020. Since that time, I’ve learned a lot and earned… not a lot.

But it’s been one year. And it feels like time to step up my game. So I am challenging myself to write and publish something every day for one whole month, starting April 1, 2021.

(Want to know how I got started on Medium, by the way? Here you go. Gotta maximize those clicks in an article that has no hope of being distributed, after all.)



Amy Colleen

I read a lot of books & sometimes I’m funny. I aspire to be a novelist, practice at humor & human interest writing, and am very fond of the Oxford comma.